As a Scorpio, I tend to keep my emotions guarded and concealed, but seeing my ex-girlfriend recently brought back all those intense feelings that I thought I had locked away for good.
We had ended things on a sour note, with bitter words and harsh actions, leaving us both wounded and scarred. However, with time and distance, my heart had started to heal, and I had moved on with my life.
But seeing her again, all those old wounds were exposed again, and I foun【更多相关资讯请访问wWW.66688883.CoM>新良星座】d myself feeling vulnerable and exposed. It was as if all the barriers I had put up had crumbled away in that one moment, leaving me raw and exposed.
I tried to play it cool, but all those old feelings came flooding back, and before I knew it, we were lost in conversation as if no time had passed.
As I talked to her, I found myself reminiscing about old times, about the things that had brought us together in the first place. I could feel those old sparks reigniting, and with it, my heart was racing faster and my palms were getting sweaty.
And yet, as much as I wanted to rekindle what we had, I knew that we were both different people now, with different needs and wants. I realized that moving on was the best thing for both of us, even if it was hard to accept.
As a Scorpio, I tend to be intense and passionate when it comes to relationships, and seeing my ex-girlfriend again brought all those emotions to the surface again. But in the end, I knew that I had to let go of the past and move on with my life, even if that meant saying goodbye to her again.
In conclusion, seeing my ex-girlfriend as a Scorpio was a rollercoaster of emotions. It brought back all the intense feelings that I thought I had locked away, but it also made me realize that moving on was the best thing for both of us. While it was hard to say goodbye again, I know that it was for the best, and I can now look back at our time together with a sense of closure and acceptance.