Often, when a Cancerian is asked to explain their actions or feelings, they may become defensive or avoidant. This is not necessarily because they have something to hide, but rather because they feel that their actions and emotions should be self-explanatory to those who know them well.
For Cancerians, explaining oneself can often feel like a violation of their privacy or a betrayal of their innermost thoughts and feelings. They may feel like they have already shown their hand and that asking for further explanation is unnecessary, or they may worry that explaining themselves will lead to misunderstandings or conflict.
This trait can sometimes be frustrating for those around them, particularly in relationships. It may be difficult for their partners or loved ones to fully understand what they are thinking or feeling without direct communication, and this can lead to misunderstandings and tension.
However, it is important to remember that Cancerians are not intentionally trying to be difficult or secretive. Rather, their reluctance to explain themselves is an integral part of their personality and worldview. They believe that their emotions and actions should speak for themselves, and they may feel uncomfortable or vulnerable when pressed to go into further detail.
So how can we best communicate with Cancerians, given their tendency to avoid explaining themselves? The key is to be patient, understanding, and non-judgmental. Rather than demanding an explanation or pressing for details, it can be helpful to simply listen and offer support. Cancerians are often more comfortable expressing themselves through actions rather than words, so paying attention to their behaviors and responding with kindness and empathy can go a long way in building trust and understanding.
In conclusion, while Cancerians may not always be forthcoming with explanations, this is not a negative trait but simply a part of their personality. Approaching them with patience and compassion can help to bridge the gap in communication and allow for deeper understanding and connection.